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Lori Weber
Dec 29, 2023
That January feeling (and why you shouldn't go on a diet)
Post Christmas is the time of year when we can start to feel that build of up anxiety about how we’ve overindulged over the festival...

Lori Weber
Dec 19, 2023
How to eat healthy at Christmas
If you want to stay healthy, feel well and rested during the Christmas holiday, here are a few simple mindful eating tips to help. It's...

Lori Weber
Sep 29, 2023
Three simple ways to ease and calm
Is your life quite frenetic at the moment? If it is then finding the ability to eat mindfully will be difficult. Difficult to slow down...

Lori Weber
Jun 30, 2023
Does your holiday have to be a blow-out?
OK, so if you like it that way, then that's fine, of course! But many of my clients speak regretfully about a holiday-induced shift in...

Lori Weber
May 29, 2023
The summer weight loss trap
Being overweight in the summer can make us feel more uncomfortable than at other times of the year. It is difficult when it's hot and it...

Lori Weber
Apr 4, 2023
Diets don't work!
Many of us have been on diets which start well but then fail. Guess what? It's not our fault! How many diets can you count you've done -...

Lori Weber
Mar 13, 2023
Is spring your moment for change?
Spring is about re-awakening. Spring is the time for re-birth, for taking stock, for blowing off the winter cobwebs. The bulbs are out,...

Lori Weber
Feb 13, 2023
Might I have an eating disorder?
You may have read the title of this article and decided that it's not relevant for you. Just take a moment to read a little further. ...

Lori Weber
Oct 22, 2021
Motivation to manage weight
We're all looking for that magic way to lose weight or keep it stable. We all have eating habits we'd like to change and many of us ask ...

Lori Weber
Sep 19, 2021
Who do you want to be?
Having a positive vision of yourself is key to successful behaviour change. When we're overweight or have an unhealthy or destructive...

Lori Weber
Jul 19, 2021
Is food your self-care?
Many of us have grown up in an environment of food as reward, compensation, treat or celebration. Food, particularly 'treat' foods take...

Lori Weber
Jun 16, 2021
How to keep weight off (for good!)
It's easy to be a good dieter. I heard this on a diploma course I was attending the other day and it is true. There are many ways to...

Lori Weber
May 24, 2021
Are you a dieter in denial?
In reality there are few of us who haven't taken on the language of the dieting world. Many foods have been demonised by the dieting...

Lori Weber
Apr 12, 2021
Coming out of lockdown - resist the panic approach!
We've all done it over the last year - eaten more, drunk more, exercised less. So here we are faced with a lifting of lockdown and the...

Lori Weber
Feb 1, 2021
It's never too late to improve your eating habits (and it's worth it)
Behaviour change is rooted in thinking. At the beginning it's a lot less about doing and much more about thinking. Do we think we can...

Lori Weber
Feb 1, 2021
Self love & healthy weight management
Before we start, I want you to give yourself a big hug. Go on, wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze. That feels good doesn't it? ...

Lori Weber
Nov 24, 2020
Do you have a greedy gremlin?
I've written this article based on my personal experience to help anyone caught up in a cycle of binge eating. The ability to distance...

Lori Weber
Oct 4, 2020
Am I hungry? Understand hunger and eat less.
Hunger seems like a simple thing – we’re either hungry or we’re not. In fact it’s a lot more complicated because different factors drive...

Lori Weber
Sep 23, 2020
Can exercise help me lose weight?
We know that exercise is good for us. It has a crucial part of play in weight management, for both physiological and psychological...

Lori Weber
Aug 11, 2020
Weighing children is not the answer!
12th August is International Youth Day. A day to think about celebrating, investing in and securing the future of our young people. We...
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