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The Mindful Way

Here's where you get started on your Mindful Way!  I hope to be working with you with you very soon.  You have two payment options to join. â€‹


Once you pay you'll get all the enrolment links and details.

Any discount codes can be applied at checkout
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Reviews so far​


" Really enjoying working through things at my own pace. I find I keep coming back to activities because I remember things or find links to past events that are meaningful. I have always journaled and have found that this has ramped up whilst I've been working though The Mindful Way.  Amy


"Lori you have outdone yourself with this's so therapeutic . The most revealing thing was probably 'My Food Story'. Thanks, your handouts are ingenious!  Sylvia


" I like this mindset of change and to acknowledge that it takes time. Once the new habit is formed it is easy, it's just getting there. There is so much depth in all those videos and handouts that I really enjoy.  SC


"Really getting a lot from it Lori. I like being able to work through things at my own pace but to know that other people are here going through the same process and having them and you for support. This course has come at exactly the right time for me.  AH



This programme includes:


  • 6 months of structured online programme of exercises, videos, activities and downloads

  • Optional membership of private Facebook community 

  • Guest speakers and LIVE appearances

  • Monthly Zoom Q & A with Lori

  • Discounts to other Clinic services

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